Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Great Dame in Repose ~ Thank You Grandma

From Thanksgiving '09

We came in battalions,
traveling for miles
generations of Us
An outward extension of
your love and ferocity
gathering round the myth
and reality of you

And, there was food and a great deal of warmth.
Many layers of it.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

What an Embrace!

A delightful fur and feathered beast enfolds us in Southeast Alaska mid-Nov.'09.

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Spinning Break-Away


Deep snow against my legs asking

a higher step then I'm used to

I'm watching the little spindly

legs of the sheep girls,

the goat-sharp tails fan

ahead of the sheep.

We stride hard to make the most

wonderful slushing noises. Every part of this body

begins to sing; arms 'n'

thighs-belly, shoulders-chest. Cold

backward chills rush my

nose. This hairline exposed, warm

moist breath pressing,

trim ears. Remind me I'm alive

Raven, who cart-tumbles

black ebony bone pressed

against the bruised blue sky. I stretch,

twirl big boots and heavy rain gear, the dog

can't tell which is laughing.

The forest

or me.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Routine

Still in the habit of checking with the stars at night and hearing my wishes made.

♨ Help me to know the heart of life on Earth
♨ Touch all that is living at this moment with the spirit of all that has ever lived
♨ Make it easier for me and my kind to stop and listen silently to the voice of grace

Then, I read what the muse has left for me to shape my thoughts around before trying to sleep and finding a dream.

It's a habit.

Monday, November 2, 2009

From Alaskan In The Hinterlands


Tonight, I find myself missing.
A tepid air hangs closely
dampening the place where my feet
should be touching the floor.
I peer over the tops of my knees
toward the place below
and find an opened void
That's when I learn, the I
that I was, is no longer here.

I'll keep looking.