Thursday, December 24, 2009

Solstice Joy


Want to bring all of the spark and growl you’ve shared with such finesse

to all those we know, and all those we don’t, that they might stir it into

a large batch of the sweetest chords, maybe John Fahey’s Christmas Medley

and from the roots of the tallest trees cast out throughout the land,

Here’s the thing! It happens now, and now, and now, and now…..and it never gets finished

Get with it and laugh, we’re allowed into this life by no small miracle and the rehearsals are over


Monday, December 21, 2009

G. Keillor/ MPR News Q Podcast

A copy of A Christmas Blizzard sets near the wee-tree with care, yet another joy that lies ahead this week.
Sugar-plums are dancing!

This Minnesota Public Radio NewsQ podcast, from 12/09/09 is live from the Virginia Street Swedenborgian Church in St. Paul, Mn.
Keillor shares about his recent health scare of a minor stroke while brightly meandering towards the storyline of his newest book A Christmas Blizzard.
Timeless delight with GK edge, from Minnesota Public Radio NewsQ

Contribute $$ while there for this sweet service if you're able.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


From The Blue Room
A Red Shouldered Hawk in Friday repose at the back of the Berry Petroleum building in Bakersfield, Calif. Berry, was a successful Klondike gold miner with an interesting history. I've more digging to do.

The bird likes the place!


Fall goes on never getting round to winter

Daily battalion of yard warriors

are blowing leaf beds

and raucous unlikely blossoms

circle wind cracked trees


My coffee's cold

sweet and dark as the view

spangles of ice glint from air-conditioning units

while the furnace won't, yet

bubbled asphalt slows the plastics and aluminum man

who's chilled and wrapped, moving

beneath an ancient order of Turkey Vulture

and parrots, squawking their garish circles

Climate confusion melds the unlikely

in this stratified desert city

Remarkably, it seems to keep working

Friday, December 4, 2009