Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's About Form AND Function

In preparing to travel home to my beloved Northlands, and those there who are my beloved, I'm sprucing up the long neglected Blue Room and Hinterlands sites.

My season away, while caring for our Mother has been educational beyond compare. Much has had to do with learning a bit about this amazing cyber medium.
The Internet is remarkable. All those who've known this forever bear with me.
This year due to captivity, I've dispelled with my "fear of technology". Due to the generosity of my sister Mick and her gift of a laptop (Pewter),I've been able to access the world while housebound with Ma.

I'm beginning to shape my pages to reflect those interests. At, I've been a daily participant with writers and thinkers of all persuasions. I'll begin to add RSS feeds to some of my favorites.

This week I'm bringing on board The Writer's Almanac, The Poetry Foundation, and American Life In Poetry. On the Hinterlands page I want to have Bob Edwards podcasts and access to his web page and blog.

If you have any thing you'd like to share, I'd also love to feature other's writing. All genres: literary, news, feature stories, journals. My address is on the Hinterlands page, a clickity clack back.

Let me know. I'd be thrilled!

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