Monday, December 13, 2010

Night is peaceful for the four older barn residents now that Ivy's taken Merrel back to town. The heavy reminder of buck will scent the farm for months to come but the shaggy little fellow infused the entire valley, one doe at a time, with limitless potential for milk and kids.

Tonight, her sleeping bag lies stretched across the rug next to the triple glass door. Ragged white peaks beyond are domed, vast, jetblack, alive with the Geminid meteor shower.
From The Blue Room
Light from the stove sparks and crackles along with a vision of next year.

She's goat packing up the steep terrain. Someone who'll keep the embers stirred for morning coffee is laughing and telling great stories. The heat of summer and heavy exertion demands an evening swim. The kid-like pleasure of shared company has made them both drunk and daring; happy.

The four-leggeds browse through the endless twilight.

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